Danny is the truest giving soul

August 23, 2020

Danny has spent thousands of his own earnings to tell Casey’s inspirational and heroic story. With this documentary he wants to help Casey be financially independent. Casey will be able to share his inspirational story to give hope to the world.

It is my pleasure to express who Danny is to the Michael Cuccione Foundation Family, myself, and my husband Domenic. He has included the Michael Cuccione Foundation as a charity of choice to help support childhood cancer, which has been a wonderful help.

We met Danny over 5 years ago through the Wright Family. Danny came into Casey Wright and his family’s life at an optimum time. Casey is a young man that has been through the fire and back. He was born with a brain tumor that has affected his life to this day. Due to numeral surgeries and his constant battle he is now 19 years old and only 4 feet tall. One of his surgeries to remove the last part of his tumor caused a major stroke, which made Casey have to learn everything all over again. Throughout all his struggles he has as a presents of positivity and courage that you rarely see today.

Danny the giving soul that he is saw something very special in Casey and was inspired to the point of offering him and his family a home to live in on his Danny Virtue Ranch without the expenses of day to day living.  Danny has beautiful animals and horses, which he used for Casey’s therapy after his stroke. This was a huge turning point in Casey and his family’s lives. 

Danny has spent thousands of his own earnings to tell Casey’s inspirational and heroic story. With this documentary he wants to help Casey be financially independent. Casey will be able to share his inspirational story to give hope to the world.

This is one fine examples of the greatness Danny does for people. He supports the Boys Club for young people that have been lost along the way through drugs and addiction. He has camps for under privileged children to put a smile on their faces. There is a wonderful day each year that he shares an amazing show with grizzly bears, unbelievable stunts, actor’s special appearances, and a delicious barbeque for over 200 childhood cancer survivors’ and theirs families each year.

I encourage people to support the Danny Virtue Foundation to allow Danny to continue his great work for so many people in need.  He has a heart of gold.

Gloria Cuccione
Executive Director
Michael Cuccione Foundation

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14380 Carratt Rd, Mission, BC, V2V 0B1

Tel: 604.826.7636
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Website: www.dannyvirtuefoundation.org